Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “I Love Touching the Art”

Star tries to whisper something to Marlee, who has to remind her that she’s deaf.  Holy crap, that was funny.  Marlee consults with her team, and they agree that there should be a firing.  Trump asks ASAP to stick around, so he can ask their advice.

Trump asks John why they lost – “Because we didn’t raise as much money as the other team”.  Huh.  Trump asks who, other than John, did the best at fundraising.  And Meat Loaf, bless his heart, drags this out and is like “Well, there’s kind of a four-way tie with Me, Mark, Lil Jon, and Busey…”  Richard finally pipes up that he clearly raised the least, but he doesn’t feel like he should be fired.  Trump brings up Richard’s prison sentence, as if that’s the reason he doesn’t have rich friends.  No, he doesn’t have rich friends because all of his money comes from winning a reality show.  Is he going to call Gervais or Sue Hawk to come make a big donation?  I mean, a reality show winner is a different kind of celebrity than the other people at the table.  But John still insists that Richard is a huge celebrity with access to money.

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One Comment

  1. This was my favorite Recap so far! The others in the cyber cafe gave me weird looks as I was laughing.-

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