Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “I Love Touching the Art”

Trump asks John who the weakest player was, outside of the money.  John says there was nothing in the task that wasn’t about money.  Real charmer, that one.  Trump asks who’d be the weakest link going forward, and he calls out Busey.  Well, yeah.  When he’s part of an eight-man team, you can have a wrangler keeping him out of trouble.  When you get down to four or five members, you’re in a position where you need the guy to pull his weight.  That’s not going to happen.  Meat Loaf, Mark, and Jon agree.  Once again, John and Trump talk about how “brilliant” Busey is.  You know what?  Nobody’s buying it.  Move along.  Don Jr. has the great line, “I think Gary believes that he’s very focused”.  And then Trump actually says Busey’s whole personality is an act!  He says this about a guy with actual brain damage!  Man, Trump must have loved Predator 2, because that’s the only explanation for his gushing Busey love.

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One Comment

  1. This was my favorite Recap so far! The others in the cyber cafe gave me weird looks as I was laughing.-

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