Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “I Love Touching the Art”

They’re going to create their own works of art, and though he lists paintings and sculptures or whatever they want to do, just know that basically everybody’s going to paint.  They then have to sell their “masterpieces” (a word that sued for defamation immediately after this episode aired) at a gallery.  Each person also has to make a New Era baseball cap and sell them.  Yes, this is a weird extra thing to throw in, probably because otherwise there wouldn’t be enough product placement in this episode.  Whoever makes the best hat will get a donation to their charity.  Don Jr. and George are his wingmen this week, and any episode with George is better than an episode without.  George is hilarious and cranky and does not have time for this.  I love George.

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One Comment

  1. This was my favorite Recap so far! The others in the cyber cafe gave me weird looks as I was laughing.-

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