Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “I Love Touching the Art”

John starts calling his people.  I swear, there’s just one number on his speed dial, and it’s labeled “Country Music”.  He guarantees the rest of his team $500,000.  Then he chastises everybody about not bringing in enough money, and they have to try harder.  This is really not a team that has big donors, you know?  Richard doesn’t hang with the rich and famous, Jose Canseco alienated all of pro sports, and Busey’s best friend is an invisible dog with a propeller for a tail.  John then interviews that being on Celebrity Apprentice means that “you are important enough in the world… to be on this show”.  Yes, it’s hard to deny that being on the show means that you’re important enough to be on the show.  He also accuses them of being “all hat, no cattle”, which I know as a Randy Newman song about George W. Bush.  This is seriously like an all dumb guy production of Glengarry Glen Ross.  Nice to see that the tiniest bit of fake power turns John Rich into a complete a-hole.

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One Comment

  1. This was my favorite Recap so far! The others in the cyber cafe gave me weird looks as I was laughing.-

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