Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Living Under Correct Knowledge Yearly”

Ivanka visits Backbone, and Jose is sitting on the couch in the RV.  Lounging, really.  He is not doing a single thing.  Ivanka asks him how it’s going, and he says “OK”, and that’s it.  He then sits motionless in silence, and Ivanka shoots him this withering look, and it’s hilariously awkward.  I’m not sure if I can still like Ivanka, having thrown my lot in with Team Mahsa, but she’s pretty great here.  She asks him direct questions, and he sort of answers.  Then Busey comes up behind her, and suddenly it’s a pretty lady in an RV with a violent musclehead and a crazy guy, and I’ve seen this movie and it never ends well.  Gary says that the members of his team are the colors of the rainbow.  Ivanka asks what Jose is doing, and Busey responds “Jose’s doing great”.  Which was not the question, but it’s also kind of the only answer. 

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  1. Pingback: Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Living Under Correct Knowledge Yearly” | Entertainment Blogs

  2. Awesome review. I literally had to cover my mouth from laughing hysterically in my cubicle.

    I’ve always liked Dione Warwick’s music, but no doubt that woman is 100% evil

  3. Thank you! I strive to create awkward workplace situations whenever I can.

    Yeah, Dionne is really talented, but “That’s What Friends Are For” isn’t good enough to justify that attitude of hers.

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