Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Living Under Correct Knowledge Yearly”

 The whole room is sort of broken up into groups of two or three people, and I like to think Marlee is recreating her Seinfeld appearance and reading everybody’s lips from across the room, but getting it slightly wrong.  Or rather, she assumes she got it wrong, because she’d have to be like “There’s no way Meat Loaf just called Busey ‘Sweetie’.”

Dionne and Star come back to the suite, and NeNe Leakes totally freaks out.  Star interviews about how awesome she is.  And then NeNe, who literally ten seconds ago was so happy she couldn’t believe it, starts arguing with Star.  It is not immediately clear what they’re arguing about, but NeNe points a lot and is wearing the biggest ring I have ever seen.  Star seems generally disappointed with her team for some reason.  I mean, there are plenty of reasons, but Star’s reason is not one of the obvious choices.  NeNe tells Star to stop being “the damn Project Manager”, and Star says she will not step into that role again.  NeNe and I are similarly unconvinced.

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  1. Pingback: Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Living Under Correct Knowledge Yearly” | Entertainment Blogs

  2. Awesome review. I literally had to cover my mouth from laughing hysterically in my cubicle.

    I’ve always liked Dione Warwick’s music, but no doubt that woman is 100% evil

  3. Thank you! I strive to create awkward workplace situations whenever I can.

    Yeah, Dionne is really talented, but “That’s What Friends Are For” isn’t good enough to justify that attitude of hers.

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