Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Living Under Correct Knowledge Yearly”

Marcus shows up to see Backbone, and Busey rambles a bit.  John serenades him, and Lil Jon drinks from a red plastic cup that is in no way Krunk.  Busey takes Marcus on the tour, and literally spends more time talking about the condiments that they put in the cupboards then about the TV.  There’s also something about a blue bandana and how kids will want to “do a hike and maybe spot a deer”.  Marcus is totally uncomfortable. 

Meat Loaf leads him around the big RV, and Marcus points to a compartment that they’ve covered with signage and asks what’s inside.  Meat Loaf has no earthly idea.  Marcus is enjoying this way too much as he reveals that there is a television set mounted in the outside wall.  Is that really something they do?  I mean, this is what Tom Haverford would use for an outdoor trip.  I love the idea that there’s a TV inside and outside.  I would leave it on when I was on the highway, so the people passing on the right would see a few seconds of Community.  Anyway, Meat Loaf takes his lack of knowledge about a feature that nobody could reasonably anticipate as a personal failure.

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  1. Pingback: Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Living Under Correct Knowledge Yearly” | Entertainment Blogs

  2. Awesome review. I literally had to cover my mouth from laughing hysterically in my cubicle.

    I’ve always liked Dione Warwick’s music, but no doubt that woman is 100% evil

  3. Thank you! I strive to create awkward workplace situations whenever I can.

    Yeah, Dionne is really talented, but “That’s What Friends Are For” isn’t good enough to justify that attitude of hers.

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