Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Living Under Correct Knowledge Yearly”

With the task over, Trump meets with Marcus.  He makes the same points that we heard him make earlier.  He gushes over LaToya’s product knowledge but complains about the lack of branding.  While he liked the men’s set-up and the interaction, but they did a bad job on the inside of the campers.

And with that, it’s Boardroom Time!  Trump compliments LaToya right off the bat, and she is eating it up like it’s the first time anybody has ever praised her.  Which, given her history, might actually be the case.  Niki praises the whole team and says everybody on the team was the best, but she’s not sure that they won.  Trump asks, “Does that mean that you don’t think you won or that you’re not sure?”  What he’s really asking is “Do you mean something other than what you just now said, or do you mean the thing that you said.”  Trump then asks Marlee, who is sure that they won.  Hope praises Niki.  So Trump asks Star what she thinks, and for a change, Star is thrilled with her performance.  She also compliments Marlee, albeit in an odd way.  Her statement begins with, “She’s a demon.  When it comes to the bedroom…”, which seems to be leading somewhere other than she intends.  Trump points it out, and then says “I’ve heard that before, and it’s a great compliment.”  Is Trump actually saying that people have told him how good Marlee is in the sack?  That guy is so weird and creepy!  (You know, Trump has been talking about a run for President.  If somehow the universe goes insane and that not only happens, but he’s successful, I assume that I will be getting audited four days a week and being held for questioning the other three.)

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  1. Pingback: Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Living Under Correct Knowledge Yearly” | Entertainment Blogs

  2. Awesome review. I literally had to cover my mouth from laughing hysterically in my cubicle.

    I’ve always liked Dione Warwick’s music, but no doubt that woman is 100% evil

  3. Thank you! I strive to create awkward workplace situations whenever I can.

    Yeah, Dionne is really talented, but “That’s What Friends Are For” isn’t good enough to justify that attitude of hers.

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