Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Living Under Correct Knowledge Yearly”

OK, we’ve got about five minutes left, so clearly things are going to take an odd turn.  Team Backbone wins, and I feel like there was some pretty heavy input from the producers there.  I’m not officially calling “shenanigans”, but it still seems fishy.  Anyway, Gary gets $20,000 for his charity and another 20K from Camping World.  The men are dismissed.

Niki says she felt like she let them down, and that the loss is her fault.  Trump asks if she should be fired, and she says she should.  She refuses to blame anybody else.  Essentially, she fires herself and Trump just has to pull the trigger.  Everybody is impressed with her class, and I have to agree.  She seems sweet and normal, and I think she’s happy to get out of there.  Plus, she managed to pick up $35,000 for her charity (the Red Cross) on the pizza task, so she still has something to show for it.

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  1. Pingback: Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Living Under Correct Knowledge Yearly” | Entertainment Blogs

  2. Awesome review. I literally had to cover my mouth from laughing hysterically in my cubicle.

    I’ve always liked Dione Warwick’s music, but no doubt that woman is 100% evil

  3. Thank you! I strive to create awkward workplace situations whenever I can.

    Yeah, Dionne is really talented, but “That’s What Friends Are For” isn’t good enough to justify that attitude of hers.

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