Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Officer Dominic Boddy”

Meat Loaf assures Marlee that they have enough shots to edit into a usable video.  They shoot the doughnut shop scene, and there’s a terrible choice where a skatboarder skates through the scene, says a couple of words, and moves on.  It looks super-cheesy.  As they’re wrapping up, Marlee wants to get a shot of the actual box.  Star says they don’t need it and keeps pushing to leave.  They do get the shot over Star’s protests.  Also, when they get in the elevator, they don’t wait for Jack and he has to take the stairs.  Poor Jack!  But when he calls out that he’s taking the stairs, I have this weird thing where I’m so used to him speaking for Marlee, and it’s like “Wait, Marlee is in the elevator already.  Why is she taking the stairs?”

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