Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Officer Dominic Boddy”

Backbone gets in to their editing suite and notice that nobody’s over at ASAP.  Traffic gets them again!  Sure enough, they are wedged into a jam with sirens going off all around them.  They finally decide to bail on the car and walk the rest of the way. 

They are very careful to show the Jo(h)ns deciding to use a shot of the box in their ad.  Lil Jon thinks they’ll be done in time to go to the strip club.  You know what?  No matter who you are, I bet Lil Jon has more fun at a strip club than you do.  Things go smoothly until they hit one of the FX scenes, where a minivan falls into the frame.  It doesn’t drop right and it makes the actress disappear.

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