Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Officer Dominic Boddy”

Trump doesn’t drag it out for a change, and pronounces Backbone the winning team.  The Jo(h)ns leave and then we go to an OnStar commercial featuring John Rich.  Not the one Backbone made, of course.  That one was crap.  Of course, since OnStar’s TV ads used to feature Batman using the service, everything they do from now on will be a stunning disappointment to me.

At the suite, there’s a sign on Backbone’s door that reads “The Jonz”.  No, no, no.  It’s “The Jo(h)ns”.  If you’re going to give me a shout-out, do it correctly!  In the Boardroom, Trump asks Marlee why they lost.  Marlee bungles a sports metaphor and says it might be that Meat Loaf has a different style and they weren’t used to it.  Trump mentions the part about the doughnut shop, and Meat Loaf insists that it’s funny, and not a negative stereotype.  Then it comes up that there wasn’t a shot of the box in the ad, and Meat Loaf says that was Star’s department – brand messaging.  Again, I don’t think that’s a reasonable division of labor, but if they want to live by that sword, then they die by that sword.  George doesn’t think they showed enough of the actual product in the commercial, which is correct. 

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