Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Officer Dominic Boddy”

The argument seriously devolves into “Did!” “Didn’t!”  And Jack is signing away the whole time.  The poor guy never signed on for this nonsense.  Star announces “Case closed”, and Meat Loaf does not agree for one second that the case is, in fact, closed.  She criticizes him for shouting, which he’s really not doing.  He’s like “If you want shouting, I’ll give you shouting”, and I’m glad he didn’t open that Pandora’s box again.  Star actually walks away while Meat Loaf is going over the sequence of events and then says that she’s not going to argue with him because he doesn’t have her credentials.  He responds “How dare you cut me off, young woman?”.  And that’s a whole thing all over again.

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