Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Officer Dominic Boddy”

Back to the fight, Star says that Meat Loaf called her “dear” and “honey”.  No, he didn’t.  He said “sweetie”.  So first, she’s got the wording wrong.  Second, she’s presenting it as two violations when there was only (so far as we saw) one.  Trump tells her that she’s wrong to be offended.  Marlee jumps in to say that it was actually “sweetie”.  Star says it diminished her professionalism.  Trump says she’s been called worse things, which is true, but also not the point.  He then points out that Star couldn’t get along with NeNe, and now she can’t get along with Meat Loaf, who everybody loves.  Meat Loaf says that he didn’t mean it a derogatory manner, and he mentions that previously in the Boardroom, he called Trump “dear”.  Man, I wish we had seen that.  Star’s trying to create an offense where none was intended, and she thinks that’s going to be her salvation. 

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