Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Officer Dominic Boddy”

They’re really acting like the fact that they decided to sell OnStar to people rather than directly to car manufactures is revolutionary.  Really, it’s more like it’s elementary.  Oh, people want the thing we make?  I guess we could try to make it available to them in exchange for money.  Does that work?

The teams have to produce a commercial for OnStar selling this bold new scheme.  They’ll be judged on creativity, brand messaging, and product integration.  Two of those are kind of the same thing.  I tend to get grossed out when people talk about “branding”.  As soon as somebody says that, in my mind, they’re too busy trying to create an effect rather than just being either creative or genuine.  You know what good brand messaging is?  Making a good commercial that makes your product look good.  Or even making a good product!  (This message brought to you by a guy who’s sick and tired of hearing about branding.)

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