Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Officer Dominic Boddy”

Lil Jon and John pound out the script – they work really smoothly together.  Then Lil Jon works with the director, who looks exactly like Marshall from Alias.  It’s seriously uncanny.  Lil Jon is the spokesman in the ad, and they try to shoot his scenes, but he drops the box.

At ASAP, Meat Loaf wants to improvise the script, but Star wants it written out.  Either way is perfectly valid, they just have different ways of working.  It’s a performer vs. a lawyer, really.  But they can’t come to an acceptable compromise, and they’re both getting more frustrated.  Also, they are treating the commercial and the brand messaging as two separate things, which is killing me.  “I’ll write the ad, you just worry about the branding”.  Meat Loaf keeps explaining the ad, and Star gets mad every time he says “cut”. 

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