Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Officer Dominic Boddy”

Backbone shoots in front of the white screen, and they start working out special effects shots.  This is such a high school production.  The Jo(h)ns don’t seem to get that even stupid-looking effects require some complicated setups.  There’s one shot in particular that Lil Jon wants, but it requires a green screen, which they don’t have. 

Meat Loaf uses a lot of film terms that Marlee and especially Star don’t really understand.  Star actually tries to sound smart and uses a term incorrectly, and Meat Loaf points out her error.  They try to shoot Star, as an OnStar operator, talking about the product.  It looks like the blooper reel – she can’t get through a sentence without tripping over her own words.  Can you be a prima donna if you’re not really good at anything?  Because that’s what Star is trying to pull here. 

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