Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “People Tell Me She’s a Legend”

I’m just going to be totally serious here for a bit.  Most of this is all in fun, and I don’t bear anybody any ill will even when I write about them being awful people.  But the first time I watched this, this scene (and several others) really made me angry.  Dionne’s attitude and ignorance would be appalling anywhere else, but sitting right next to Marlee Matlin and belittling her that way is absolutely disgusting.  One would think that a woman who struggled to make it in music at a time when the color of her skin could keep her off the radio or ensure that certain stores wouldn’t carry her records would maybe be a little bit sensitive to the struggles of others.  The way Dionne behaved throughout this episode is just gross, and I’m done with her. (AMEN.  Her complete ignorance on this issue is appalling, as is her inflexibility and rudeness.  What a vile human being.–Myndi)

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