Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “People Tell Me She’s a Legend”

Back at Backbone, Jose and Busey head out to pick up and drop off the props.  When they get to the address that Meat Loaf gave them for the performance space, it’s not the right address.  Meat Loaf realizes his mistake, but the battery on Jose’s phone died, so he can’t reach them.  By the way, Meat Loaf as a forgetful old man is pretty hilarious.  At the wrong address, somebody recognizes Busey and asks “Ain’t you a famous actor?”.  Jose replies that he’s a famous porn star, because why not take a little extra time out of your day to be a dick to a complete stranger?  Meat Loaf finally chances a call to Busey’s phone, and explains his mix-up.  It’s hard to tell what happens, but I think Jose hangs up on Meat Loaf, because the audio goes weird and Meat Loaf seems super pissed. (Remember how I was on Team Jose for a hot minute there?  I’m officially on Team Anybody Else now.  He’s an ass.–Myndi)

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