Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “People Tell Me She’s a Legend”

In the ASAP suite, the team goes over the story.  Star reads it, and it’s already stupid because it’s about the day LaToya the Lion has to roar in front of the entire class.  I’ll accept that it’s a school for animals, but why are they working on public roaring?  If we allow that these animals are anthropomorphic to the degree that they have a structured society which has the animals going to school, why are they so regressive as to force them to roar in front of the class?  This is clearly a world in which animals are contributing members of society, and their time would be better spent learning a trade.  I hate your stupid story, Star Jones.  Niki Taylor, suggests that 4 and 5-year-old kids don’t understand the concept of shyness, and that’s actually a good point.  Maybe.  I don’t have immediate access to any children, so I don’t really know what they do and do not know.  For all I know, they’re doing Sudoku by that time.  Dionne and Lisa agree that she’s wrong.  Of course, Dionne always thinks everybody is wrong all the time. (I really don’t know.  I have a very outgoing 4 and 8 year old, but  I kind of think they do know what shy is by that age, if they’ve got a shy classmate, and I think everyone does.  But I could be wrong.–Myndi)

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