Star criticizes the graphic designer, and she’s seriously standing behind him eating a hoagie. For some reason, that cracks me up. He really thinks everything’s too cluttered, but Star doesn’t see it that way. Also, she interviews that she wouldn’t be comfortable with anybody else handling this part of the task. Two episodes in a row have showcased Star’s poor grasp of design, by the way. It’s a motif!
Jose, Busey, Mark, John, and Jon all hit the costume shop. John is the first person to reference The Mask since 1996. Busey tries on multiple headdresses, and he and Mark butt heads over the costumes. Basically, Busey does not want to be hanging out in a costume shop with Mark McGrath and Jose Canseco, and I do not blame him one bit. Mark says he’s the bad guy for trying to make Gary focus, which is hilarious when you consider that Mark is the poster child for ADD and/or illegal stimulants. I kid, of course. Nobody wants that guy on a poster.