Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “People Tell Me She’s a Legend”

Hope calls Star at the suite.  This is great, because Lisa is standing right there, but making Hope do all the talking while she watches.  Somebody’s on a power trip…  Anyway, Star is supposed to get the cover to the printer, but she complains that Lisa hasn’t approved a final cover, and she’s not comfortable doing that on her own.  Even though she said earlier that she wouldn’t let anybody else do the design work.  Yeah, Star Jones is playing the game.  But she’s doing it in such an obvious way that most Project Managers would see it and call her on it.  Lisa is not most Project Managers, though.  Star demands that Lisa come back to the suite and approve the cover, but does it in such a chiding way that it makes me crazy.  She complains to NeNe, who just watches quietly because she stopped caring long ago.  Star reminds us, “When you try to take down the queen, make sure you kill her”.  And there are so many problems with that.  Why is she the queen?  And why is her teammate trying to take her down at this point?  And does it have to involve murder?  Also, I’m at least half certain that Star was actually trying to gender-flip Omar’s famous line from The Wire and just made a hash of it.  She’s a weird one.

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