Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “People Tell Me She’s a Legend”

Kids file in to ASAP’s performance.  I assume this would be adorable if I could stop thinking about how sticky their tiny little fingers are.  Marjorie and Holly Robinson-Peete are there, ready to do some judging.  Lisa and Marlee hit the stage.  Lisa gets the crowd pumped while Marlee signs.  Don Jr. is there with his wife, who really is lovely, and their cute kids.  Don Jr. actually looks like a normal guy here, other than the hair gel.  Eric Trump is not present.  He’s probably eating pudding cups in a windowless room while scrawling an indecipherable ode to true love on a napkin.  Marlee demonstrates animal signs, which really is cool for kids.  Oh, who am I kidding?  If somebody taught me animals signs right now, that’s all I’d do the rest of the day.

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