Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “People Tell Me She’s a Legend”

And now it’s time for Backbone.  Meat Loaf comes out on stage, and he’s immediately personable.  He tells the kids that he has a funny name, and the kids agree that it is, in fact, a funny name.  I could actually see Meat Loaf going this route – a lot of aging musicians will put out albums for children, and I think he could do a pretty good job of it.  He seems really sweet, and the kids respond to him.  The kids laugh at Richard in a dress, and the way Busey stumbles around.  You know that episode of Community where Pierce plays “drugs”, and he hams it up and the kids love him?  Busey is totally playing drugs here.  You will not be surprised to learn that John is wearing a cowboy hat.  Is every country musician secretly balding?  Seriously, unless you’ve driven off rustlers at some time in the past, you’re just wearing a costume every day of your life.  Opera singers don’t wear those helmets with the horns all the time, you know?

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