Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “People Tell Me She’s a Legend”

Trump meets with Holly to discuss the results.  For the men, she liked the rhyming and thought that Jose was a terrible actor.  Meat Loaf didn’t show the book enough.  For ASAP, she liked Lisa’ presentation, but thought the font was too small, and the theme was too sophisticated.  Now, I’m no child psychologist (surprise!), but didn’t the two stories actually have exactly the same theme?  Could it be that Celebrity Apprentice is going to end up focusing on an entirely manufactured “difference” between the two teams?  GASP!

Boardroom Time!  Meat Loaf says the whole team was the star, and can’t name anybody as a weak point.  He even defends Jose’s acting.  Richard calls Meat Loaf by his first name (“Meat”), which is hilarious to me.  One of the twins from The Matrix Reloaded compliments Meat Loaf for his passion.  Oh, wait.  That’s just Eric.  When pressed, Meat Loaf says Busey was the hardest to handle, but softpedals it as much as possible.  Trump asks if, for a short period of time, Busey has “more focus than most people”, which is his way of asking if Busey is basically that guy from Prison Break who lost the ability to sleep.  Meat Loaf is all like, “No, that’s not even sort of true”.  Hee.  Busey takes all this personally and talks about the five-year-old inside of him.  And since that’s not what anybody’s talking about, they sort of ignore it.

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