Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “People Tell Me She’s a Legend”

That’s her first mistake.  Don’t take two people who will gang up on you.  Divide and conquer.  If anything, take LaToya and Dionne – LaToya picked Lisa as the firee, but she’s not good at arguing and you could make the case that she didn’t have any real creative contribution.  But more importantly, you don’t have Star shouting you down and you can focus on Dionne.  You want to bring an easy target, and then some acceptable collateral damage.  Heck, you could even bring Marlee, who’s pretty much immune to being fired this time out, since she could help argue against Dionne.  But you run the risk of making an enemy that way.  Still, it’s better than bringing your two united enemies in with you.  Unless you can take control of the table in a Mahsa-esque fashion, you are going down.  Bad move, Rinna!

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