Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “People Tell Me She’s a Legend”

Meat Loaf breaks down the story, and he makes his first mistake when he gives a line to Jose and his hairplugs.  I will mention this again before the season is over, but he was terrible when he played himself on The Simpsons years ago, and apparently he refused to read any line more than once.  He’s not their go-to for acting.  Anyway, the story has kids going to school, and that’s all we get before the nice publisher lady stops by.  I believe her name is Marjorie Tyler, but they don’t put her name onscreen.  John asks her about rhyming dialogue vs. non-rhyming dialogue, and she suggests staying away from rhyming unless they’re very good at it.  John takes that as a challenge.  He hasn’t really done anything specifically objectionable yet, but there’s a real douchiness to him.  The editing makes it look like they don’t have any other questions, but I think that’s just a time cut.

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