Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “People Tell Me She’s a Legend”

Backbone breaks down their story – it’s about how Lil Jon is a kid in school and nobody likes him.  John turns that into a rhyming story, but the meter is all jacked up, even in the brief snippets that we hear.  Jose is upset that the story implies that teachers don’t talk to the imaginary version of Lil Jon, and he’s actually mad at these imaginary and implied teachers.  He interviews about how he’s a bestselling author, and knows best.  Because, you know, Juiced sold because of his subtle and distinctive prose.  He is willing to die on this hill, and it gets completely ridiculous as they fight over “nobody” vs. “no kids”.  He’s OK with kids ignoring a fictional character, but if there’s any indication that the teachers ignore him, that makes Jose mad.  Jose smash!  Clearly, he’s just trying to be a part of it and make his point that he’s a creative force, but this is stupid.

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