Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – Snap Judgments

All I can think of when I see Mark McGrath now is the clips they ran on The Soup from his appearance on The Wendy Williams show, wherein he seemed like he could give Charlie Sheen a run for his money, at least in the “hoovering-massive-amounts-of-cocaine” department.  I really can’t stand Sugar Ray’s music (it always sounded like one, long song), but McGrath was oddly charming for a while.  Nowadays, I am just anticipating a huge shouting match in the boardroom that he will inevitably lose because the guy with the Big Boy hair gets the last word.  (MW)

Marlee Matlin–Now this one has to be solely for the purpose of elevating the status of her charity, right?  I just don’t really get why an Oscar winning actress is doing this show.  And…I just remembered that she was already on Dancing with the Stars, and came out smelling like a rose. Trouble is, she tends to stay so far above the fray that she’s tough to make fun of, and this means I will be ending this entry now.  Good Luck, Marlee! (MW)

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