Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – Snap Judgments

I like to think that I’m pretty well-versed in 90’s supermodels.  And I know that Niki Taylor was really successful and her name came up a lot, but I can not picture her to save her life.  I mean, I can Google her and it’s sort of like “Oh yeah, her”, but as soon as I turn away, I’ll forget what she looks like.  It’s very strange.  Other people in my demographic have a much clearer image of her than I do, so I just have to chalk it up to a weird aberration on my part.  This is a very roundabout way of admitting I don’t have anything to say about her, but I’m sure she’s very nice.  Plus, you know, Trump will get ridiculously creepy with her.  So prepare to feel gross!  When Trump talks to an attractive woman, it diminishes us all.  (EJ) Richard Hatch–The Original Reality Star, aka The Ugly Naked Guy of Survivor.  Of course, he’s also the only one to get convicted for tax evasion and do significant jail time.  He’s a gifted public speaker and certainly has the ability to do quite well in a true business setting, if given the chance.  Of course, this is Celebrity Apprentice, where Trump’s often absurd rationale and fanboy leanings often replace things like logic and reason.  So, I guess we’ll see what happens. (MW)

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