Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – Snap Judgments

I’ve never heard of this woman, but then again, I’m not Playboy’s target demo.  She was already 5’10” by the time she was 13, which must have made for some truly awkward teen years.  Should we play a drinking game wherein we place bets on how early in the hour Trump mentions how incredibly beautiful she is to no one in particular?  Her extensive hosting and modeling background should help her do well if she’s quick on her feet in the boardroom. (MW)

John Rich – They’ve had several country singers on this show, and they’ve been all over the place.  Trace Adkins was a total charmer, Clint Black filmed an ad about how he uses laundry detergent to masturbate.  Actually, I think John Rich showed up in the first season at Trace’s finale event.  Anyway, he’s the “Rich” part of “Big & Rich”.  I’m not really up on my new country, but he’s quite popular.  And his partner, Big Kenny was in a Christian film where my friend Sam played a meth dealer.  That has nothing to do with Rich’s performance on Celebrity Apprentice, but I just wanted to mention it.  Back to Rich, a Google Image search reveals that he as only one facial expression, and it’s mildly constipated.  (EJ)

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