Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – Snap Judgments

I don’t have much to add, only because I know very little about country music in general and Big & Rich in particular.  I couldn’t pick this guy out of a lineup.  But  it turns out he does have the type of unique facial hair that we at spunkybean tend to embrace and root for.  I just hope and pray he’s more of a Trace than a Clint, but maybe we should hide all the laundry detergent just in case. (MW)

Jose Canseco – You know who likes Jose Canseco?  Nobody.  He was seen as a jerk when he played baseball, he’s an admitted user of steroids and illegal Tijuana fertility drugs, and he is only too happy to throw others under the bus.  He’s been accused of domestic violence against two separate and consecutive wives.  He once rented out the chance to hang out for a day for $5000.  And when he guest-starred on The Simpsons, he refused to record any line more than once.  But Trump has a total boner for athletes, so Jose could kill and eat a teammate before he’d be in danger of being fired.  So we’re stuck with him for a while.  (EJ)

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