Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “The Future is Trump”

You know what?  I would pay good money to see that movie.  At the very least, it would make a good episode of South Park, if South Park still did episodes that weren’t about Internet memes from 2009.  (Oh, you and your groundbreaking jokes about NASCAR and Human Centipede…)

ASAP readies their presentation.  Star mentions luxury and elegance once again.  I think she’s made her point.  The presentation begins with all five women standing there and each saying an adjective in turn.  That is not good.  Especially when it goes on for so long that they have really boring ones like “consistency”.  Star thinks this is a great idea.  Everybody else in the world disagrees.  The executives just start openly laughing at them.  In an interview, LaToya adds “corny” to the list.  By the way, her voice is just about gone here – she’s down to just a squeaky rasp.  It’s like if Tom Waits were a cartoon mouse.

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One Comment

  1. This: “And it ends with the line “The Future is Trump”, and that’s actually the most terrifying thing I can envision. Imagine Trump as a brain in a jar (still with the hair, though), shouting orders at his StormTrumpers as they round up the last survivors of the Gold Wars. A band of scrappy rebels stands in opposition, but their primitive spears and blowguns can’t penetrate the golden armor of the StormTrumpers. Their only hope? The chosen ones – Anderson Cooper, Mahsa, and Eric Trump (who has been exiled from the kingdom and spent the last ten years living underground and training all manner of burrowing rodents to do his bidding).” is one of the funniest paragraphs ever written! Also, on a related note, does Eric Trump not have any access to lip balm? If I can tell you are need of lip moisturizers thru the TV screen, you’re in trouble!

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