Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “We Can Make You Look Thinner”

The brainstorming session quickly gets cluttered and I wonder how Jack signs the idea of people talking over one another.  This is one place where Marlee’s deafness really does put her at a disadvantage, since there’s no way Jack can sign what three people are saying at the same time.

And now, here’s a video about the 80s which includes breakdancing, a swatch, and a young Donald Trump.  In the clip they chose, he bears a passing resemblance to Kenneth from 30 Rock.  But man, this montage is easily 50% breakdancing.  Was that a full 50% of the 80s?  I remember that decade mostly being about arcade games for the first half, and then trying to figure out girls and also liking Wolverine a whole lot for the second half.  (For me it was mostly plastering my walls with Michael J. Fox and John Stamos posters and watching Dallas with my parents on Fridays until around 1988.–Myndi)

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