Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “We Can Make You Look Thinner”

Back at Team Marlee, Meat Loaf and LaToya head out to get costumes for the commercial shoot.  Marlee and Richard discover that the boom box look isn’t working.  If it’s too detailed, it looks terrible.  If you simplify it, it’s not clearly a boom box.  They shuck it in favor of silhouettes in disco poses.  It looks pretty good, but I bet Meat Loaf will disagree.

Team John tries to figure out the commercial.  Star wants to know how to cast it, but they don’t have a concept yet.  Lil Jon is really tired and he’s noticeably dragging.  But I’ve been there – if you don’t have an idea, you can’t go full-force.  When you have an idea, that’s when you come to life.  Or maybe he’s actually just tired.  Mark comes up with an ideas for 80s icon auditions.  A fake Madonna, a fake Prince (who Mark seems to think is the same guy as Michael Jackson), and a metal guy.  The metal guy is bad, but then he drinks some 7Up and he’s awesome.

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