Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “We Can Make You Look Thinner”

LaToya and Meat Loaf return to Team Marlee.  Meat Loaf disapproves of the change to the box.  Another thing strikes me – to sell the idea of a boom box, it really has to be gray.  You know how terrible that’s going to look on the shelf?  Meat Loaf and I disagree, which is not a thing that usually happens.  We have previously come to agreements on where Paradise is to be found, what exactly everything is louder than, the acceptability of two out of three, and whether Bat Out of Hell is an awesome album.  (In order:  By the dashboard light; everything else; it ain’t bad; yes.)  Meat Loaf goes all Juror Number Eight in advocating for the boom box box.  Marlee says it didn’t look good, and it’s also kind of a crappy image for a charity that advocates for the deaf.  Good point! (Could they have done something that looked like shag carpeting?  Because that would have been awesome!–Myndi)

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