Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “We Can Make You Look Thinner”

Marlee’s team continues with the design process.  LaToya’s helpful suggestion to the graphics guy – “Can you get it to pop more”?  Yes, turn up the “pop” filter in Photoshop by 6 %.  They look up 70s fads for the commercial, and Marlee comes up with the idea of the 7Up can smashing cheesy fads from that era.  Meat Loaf even agrees to dress like his 70s persona and get flattened by a can.  They want to sell the idea that 7Up was the thing that survived.  I get it, but it’s not like 7Up is automatically associated with that time.  Like, nobody says “Hey, remember 7Up?  Whatever happened to that?”  7Up existed during the 1970s and still exists now.  That’s also true of, say, Saturday Night Live, David Bowie, and PBS.  None of them really seem specific to that time period.  But nobody asked me, if you’ll recall. (This idea would have worked if they were selling Tab, though.  Or Diet Rite.–Myndi)

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