Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “We Can Make You Look Thinner”

Dee Snider shows up and his mustache, that he is sporting to portray a character on Broadway, is only slightly more ridiculous than John’s everyday ‘stache.  They do a couple runthroughs of the ad, making sure to get all the shots of Dee with his mustache and without the makeup.  The way that John emphasizes this point has me thinking that they’re foreshadowing a missed shot.

Meanwhile, Team Marlee preps their ad.  Richard’s wearing a blond afro wig and a sparkly purple shirt. (I would say the wig was too much, but I recently watched the movie Earthquake, and Victoria Principal’s hair was pretty much this.  Seriously, google that shit.  It’s hilarious.–Myndi) Meat Loaf coaches him on his dialogue, and get a little too into it.  “Meat, please stop moving your hips.”  Hee.  Richard interviews that this look is not much different from his high school yearbook picture.  LaToya is dressed in a fake Wonder Woman costume and not invoking the 70s in any way.  Richard can’t get over hilarious this is, and again, I wish he’d had more snarky interviews before he was eliminated.

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