Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “We Can Make You Look Thinner”

Back at Team John, they’re pressed for time.  Dee has a performance tonight, so he has to get in and out of his Twisted Sister makeup and then into his Rock of Ages makeup.  Dude’s got a long day ahead of him.  John’s freaking out a little over the time constraints.

Geoffrey still hasn’t arrived at the studio, which is the source of some worry.  Meat Loaf slips into his old “Bat out of Hell” costume, and the addition of forty years and a bunch of pounds is tough on him.  The wig is hilarious.  It was sort of a funny look when it wasn’t ironic, but the way it looks now is totally killing me.  Once he gets in front of the camera, they turn on a fan to get his wig blowing.  (Only after Meat Loaf demands “blow me”.)  He references a bunch of his songs in his one line, which amuses me.  He does a good job of mimicking that iconic look and pose.  (He needs to be sweatier, I think.–Myndi)

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