Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “We Can Make You Look Thinner”

John shoots Dee’s bad audition, and then he’s off to the makeup chair.  John extols his virtues, and he seems like a swell guy but “hero” might be pushing it.  And then we see Dee in his old look, and how was that ever considered cool?  Parents and churches were once freaked out by this guy!  What exactly was happening in the 80s that society was so easily threatened?  Mark freaks out about seeing him, which is kind of endearing.  Dee flips the camera the bird between his hairdresser’s legs.  Charming.

This is weird, because it seems like they’re not exactly conveying the idea of something from that decade that endures.  In 2011, Twisted Sister looks ridiculous, and not in any sort of charming way.  To me, this makes 7Up seem dated.  But, you know, hipsters love their ironic faux nostalgia.  And piercings.  Freaking hipsters, man.  Dee bungles his line the first time.  He’s supposed to sing the line “7Up Retro:  Still Keeping it Real”, and the “Still” ruins the melody and rhythm of the line.  I’m surprised that with four songwriters in the room, nobody is pointing that out.

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