Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “We Can Make You Look Thinner”

Back with Trump, Piers complains that John couldn’t cite anything that he was good at other than writing,  Proving that he hasn’t seen this season, he concludes “He’s benefited from being on a great team.”  BWAH HA HA!  Lord knows, he wouldn’t be here without the contributions of Jose Canseco and Busey.

Now it’s time to jump to the Lil Jon interview after Brett and Trump argue about whether music or real estate is sleazier.  Guys, you’re both sleazy!  Brett compliments Lil Jon for being cool and laid back.  He says that he’s good under pressure and that he worked hard getting there.  Joan asks who he thinks the Final Two will be, and Jon answers with “John Rich and Marlee”, and everybody freaks out.  Note that she didn’t ask who he thought should be the Final Two.  She asked who it would be.  He’s not saying he doesn’t deserve to be there, he’s saying that he assumes it will be those two.  Those are different things.  I believe that Community’s Alison Brie should go on a date with me, but I also believe that she will not.  Two different things.

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