Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “We Can Make You Look Thinner”

Talking to Trump, Piers gets it wrong and says that he asked Lil Jon if he should be in the Final Two, and he answered “no”.  Dude, “should” was not a part of the question.  Lil Jon answered the question that was asked, and not the one you think was asked.  Anyway, Trump makes a lame joke about how the previous winners owe him their success and he wants a cut.  I actually don’t think he’s kidding.  Granted, Piers has a much higher profile now, but I’m not sure that this show is what got him the Larry King job.  I think that had more to do with him doing a Larry King-style show in England.  (I also think America’s Got Talent, craptastic as it is, helped a bit.–Myndi) But I also thought we lived in a world where white people weren’t afraid of all rappers, so I clearly am not the guy to ask.

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