Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “We Can Make You Look Thinner”

And now it’s Meat Loaf.  He opens the interview with Brett by asking how he’s feeling, which is pretty nice of him.  Joan asks if his age is an asset or detriment.  He thinks it’s an asset.  Piers asks why he cries so much, and Meat Loaf makes the hard-to-defend point that his charity means more to him than any of the other contestants’ charities mean to them.  You know, I’m pretty sure Marlee is really connected to her charity that helps deaf people.  Meat Loaf says he showed all aspects of his personality, and Piers tells him that between the anger management issues and the crying, he might not be cut out for this.  Remember, this is not like Famous Original Apprentice, where they’re actually getting a job with Trump.  They are not hiring for a long-term position.  Piers asks Meat Loaf why Brett is so much better than he is as a contestant.  Brett asks why the Jo(h)ns threw him under the bus.  These are not questions he can answer.  Meat Loaf says he was the biggest celebrity going into the competition, and while that’s hard to measure, it’s certainly defensible.  Remember, Bat Out of Hell is still one of the best-selling albums in America ever.  As of the 90s, it was still in the top three.  It’s been knocked down a bit by some greatest-hits collections, but it’s still top ten.  Piers says that’s arrogance, and again, I think Meat Loaf has a legitimate claim.

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