Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “We Can Make You Look Thinner”

Back with Trump, they agree that Meat Loaf wears his heart on his sleeve.  Wow, that’s what they came away with.  I think we had that figured out by episode two.  And now it’s time to talk about Marlee.  Brett reminds us that he is who he is, when he points out that Marlee is “hot”.  Oh, Brett.  Never change.

Joan kicks off the interview by asking Marlee about her Oscar.  Apparently, her kids play with it, which is pretty funny.  Piers asks her whether it’s been harder to win this show or win an Oscar, and she says it’s this show, which is probably true.  You don’t put in additional effort to win an Oscar – you do the acting job which you were hired to do to the best of your abilities, and then you hope people like it.  It’s not like you have to keep plugging away every day to win the Oscar.  Once you’ve shot the movie, it’s out of your hands.  She says that people but her in the Deaf Box, the way people put Brett in the Diabetes Box.  Which, you know, nobody knew about him before this show, but she totally won Brett over by knowing that about him.  And also by being a lady.  Joan asks if deafness slowed her down, and Piers thinks it’s actually been an advantage.  And just when you think he’s being horrible, he continues.  “When I did this show, I wished that I’d been deaf most of the time.”  Ha!

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