Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season Four – “Kaboy”

Hope assigns cooking tasks.  Star’s going to do the small cut for people WHO HAVE HAD OPEN HEART SURGERY IN CASE YOU’VE FORGOTTEN!  NeNe is going to do a lobster tail, and LaToya is going to do a bacon-wrapped filet mignon.  I am honestly going to have to work to limit my Ron Swanson references this week.  Because that’s a man who would love bacon-wrapped filet mignon.  He’d eat it with his bare hands.  They come up with the idea for their Variety Pack – Poker Night.  That’s actually a good idea, since it sounds specific but really leaves you a lot of room.  LaToya pipes up that “Poker is the biggest thing that’s happening right now”.  Damn, is it 2003 again?  NeNe jokes that Poker Night should include condoms, which is sort of funny, but also weird.  Is it because every poker game eventually turns into an orgy?  Or does that not happen?  Maybe there’s a reason I don’t get invited to play anymore.

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  1. You could tell, even after the entire project crashed and burned, Trump didn’t want to send Busey home because the show is less entertaining without him.

  2. See, I disagree. Trump only thinks the show is less entertaining, but I was so much more relaxed watching this week without his crazy ass invading the personal space of everyone he came in contact with.

  3. Yeah, it was definitely more entertaining to watch without Busey — not only did he make me uncomfortable, but he was leeching screen time from everybody else. We don’t really know much about how the various people interact with one another, because the editing was so Busey-focused. I think I would have been happier if he just popped up once every episode to say something crazy and then moved on.

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