Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season Four – “Kaboy”

Busey claims that he said “kaboy”.  Trump is baffled by this.  Busey says it’s what they call the Dallas Cowboys, and Trump is like “No, they don’t.  They call them the Cowboys.”  According to Busey, that’s the name they use in “the inner circles”.  Oh, no it isn’t.  First off, how does Busey know anything about the inner circle of the Dallas Cowboys?  Second, are we to believe that somebody affiliated with the team decided “Our name isn’t stupid enough.  We need a nickname that sounds moronic and takes just as long to say”?  Third, if that were true, it would have come up at least once in thirteen seasons of King of the Hill, and I assure you, it did not.

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  1. You could tell, even after the entire project crashed and burned, Trump didn’t want to send Busey home because the show is less entertaining without him.

  2. See, I disagree. Trump only thinks the show is less entertaining, but I was so much more relaxed watching this week without his crazy ass invading the personal space of everyone he came in contact with.

  3. Yeah, it was definitely more entertaining to watch without Busey — not only did he make me uncomfortable, but he was leeching screen time from everybody else. We don’t really know much about how the various people interact with one another, because the editing was so Busey-focused. I think I would have been happier if he just popped up once every episode to say something crazy and then moved on.

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