Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice (Week 2)

Here comes Hydra! Pedigree guy leads off by sort of gently chastising them for not meeting with him before shooting, and Gene proceeds to tell him why he is stupid. He leads by referencing Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War”, which is funny for two reasons. First off, the only people who quote Sun Tzu are super-villains. Second, he pronounces it “Sun Zih”, and really pounces on that last syllable, like he’s sneezing in French. Piers corrects him on the pronunciation, and Gene explains that he was using the original Mandarin. Of course. It couldn’t be because you’re just a moron, could it? And here’s what he quotes “Battlefield is the war room, it’s not the boardroom.” The hell? The first part makes no sense, and I will guarantee you that the word ‘boardroom’ does not appear in “The Art of War”. I can’t say for certain, because I don’t spend my days plotting revenge on Green Lantern, but I’d still put money on it. You know, insist on using the Mandarin pronunciation, and then attribute a bunch of randomly chosen words to the guy.

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