Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice (Week 2)

The Retarded Baby Ducklings file into the Boardroom, and I finally notice that Jennie Finch is freakishly tall. She’s taller than Stephen! Trump opens by taking Hydra to task for blowing off the Pedigree guy, and then Ivanka brings up Gene’s stupid, sexist behavior. Everybody kind of acts like it’s funny, which makes me sad. Gene actually apologizes, but for his ‘short-sightedness’. In other words, he’s not apologizing for being, or even acknowledging that he is, a butthole. He’s apologizing for not realizing that said buttholery could come back to blow up in his face. Ivanka accepts his apology, but you can tell she intends to end him. Maybe not today, maybe not next week. But one day, Ivanka will destroy him. I personally hope that she gets her own show where all she does is slowly ruin Gene’s life.They take another look at the commercials. Empresario’s ad has bad VO all the way through, but it’s halfway decent. Hydra’s ad provokes a delighted laugh from Omarosa, and that’s when you know how this is all going to end. Omarosa talks about Lennox being hot, which is totally classy on her part. And Trump gets predictably weird about a girl liking a boy, like he does every season. Terry suggests that Hydra should have added a caption identifying Lennox. Piers gets sort of upset about this, because everybody knows Lennox Lewis when they walk down the street, and they walk down many streets together. Omarosa is not the only one who thinks Lennox is hot.

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