Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice (Week 2)

Jennie tells Trump that her role included research and “taking care of the talent”. I’m going to leave that one alone, but research? What research went into the dog ad? Thank God she did some research and determined that dogs are flammable, or they really could have had a disaster on their hands. She says, after a glacial pause, that she would fire either Nadia or Carol. Well, we’ve seen Nadia set up as a scapegoat, but this is the first time Carol’s really appeared all episode. Of course, since she’s looking down at the top of their heads all the time, Jennie might not be sure who’s who. (Carol switches on her death glare from last week at this point.)  Nadia and Carol back-and-forth over whether Nadia ordered lunch. Either way, it’s not like full stomachs would have helped their crappy actors. Nely chooses to bring Nadia and Carol back to the Boardroom. Did Carol do something really bad that we didn’t see? Did she feed one of the dogs to the starving actors? I’m so lost. As the woman leave, Ivanka and Terry express similar sentiments, only without the dog-eating. This notion of Nadia’s ‘competitive spirit’, or lack thereof, starts to come up. You know, just because she’s really good at something doesn’t necessarily make her competitive. And it’s not like gymnastics necessarily translate to the business world.  As they wait, Carol, who I basically like, lets loose with a crazy ramble. “My businesses are run by me. We have a lot of heads here. A lot of women are heads of their own business, and that makes a huge difference. But you know what? The guy who wants the biggest light has to take the biggest responsibility.” And everybody looks sad and somber as she says it, because they know that Carol Alt has just suffered a major stroke.

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