Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice (Week 2)

After a commercial break, during which the nation ran to the bathroom to wash their souls, we’re back with Hydra. Lennox is playing with an adorable bulldog puppy, and then Stephen decides to get a shot of Lennox walking the dog. For a guy who’s been in film for 20 years, this is an odd choice. Shooting outside is a pain. Doing it without permits or a proper crew is even worse. And doing it on a busy NewYork street in the middle of the afternoon, is flat out stupid. Gene and Vincent are doing crowd control, a task they handle by holding up their arms. I don’t think the problem is that people are going to swarm the celebrities – I think the problem is that they’re trying to get somewhere. It’s also worth noting that this is really the only thing Vincent contributes to the ad. Being hard to get around is his contribution. Gene finally talks Stephen into returning to the studio, which Stephen seems to resent. Everybody hates Gene Simmons, it’s really just a matter of when they finally realize it.

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